Soumitri's Major Project Resources

Friday, July 07, 2006

Grad Show

Hopefully people still read this.

This post isnt about PreMajors or Majors, its about finding a place to have our grad show. Since we've been rejected by RMIT first site, we're currently in a situation:

1) we have no venue to host the Grad Show
2) we have no money
3) we have no equipment for the Grad Show
4) we have no Grad Show

So...we need a venue, money, and equipment, anyone know where to get those things?

I know most of you wont really care that much since there was the show last year, but lets consider the content difference between what we had on display last year and what potentialy we could have on display at the end of this year. Its also a nice way for closure on university and the intencity of the 4th year program.
Theres also a key element that isnt ever going to happen again, and that is we're i think the smallest graduating group, which means we can some what treat our grad show as a personal exhibition since theres more space, resources etc given our numbers.

If you know where we can get a space/money/equipment lets talk.
posted by Charles Lin, 3:49 am


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