Soumitri's Major Project Resources

Monday, May 15, 2006

PM/M Room

You have the room and can occupy it. However I would like feedback in a week from you if you really need this resource. Meanwhile here is what needs doing:
1. The room will be open access from 9 to 5 but at 5 the lock will come on. You need to speak to Brian to get access to this room put on your cards. It may eb a good idea to stop open access and make it security access at all times.
2. The computers in the room have to be connected up.
3. The room has to be emptied. The pubs can be taken away. Liam will advice us on this.
4. Housekeeping duties roster: You left on friday - and I picked up paper on the floor, two coffee cups, and straightened the chairs. This room has to be kept clean, and orderly - no rubbish. And there has to be a roster of responsibility - to look after the space.
5. Water: Can move to this room. But after the open access is taken off.
6. You can similarly have the microwave and the fridge (purple one).

All this has to be done by you - the student group - and so come forward.
posted by Soumitri Varadarajan, 8:29 am


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